Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

We spent two days in Vancouver, Canada. It was our starting point for the road trip through Canada. The city itself is not particularly pretty with lots of high rise apartment buildings although the historic area of Gastown was appealing. The highlight for us was the excursion to the orcas in the Haro Strait between the United States and Canada.

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Below are all the photos related to this travel experience including the relevant link to the shop.

High rise apartments in the morning light

Very early in the morning in Vancouver, Canada while travelling to Granville Island. The many high rise apartment buildings looked really nice in the morning light.

The giants

While we were travelling to Granville Island in Vancouver, Canada we passed these silos. Normally not a pretty sight in a city but they sure made these giants look nice.

Rainbow kayaks

While we were roaming Granville Island in Vancouver, Canada we came across this colourful yard that rented out kayaks. Nothing for us unfortunately but it sure made for a nice and colourful picture.

Speeding away

While in Vancouver, Canada we went on an excursion to see the orcas in the Haro Strait. Here we were speeding away from the city of Vancouver.

Mother and child reunion

While in Vancouver, Canada we went on an excursion to see the orcas that are living in the Haro Strait between the United States and Canada. We felt lucky to be able to see so many and even spotted recently born ones.


A lovely way of transport in Vancouver, Canada is the aquabus. We loved the look of the combination between boat and taxi and the smooth ride they provided.

Vancouver reflections

Walking around in Vancouver, Canada towards Gastown. I just love reflections in modern buildings.

The Gastown steam clock

At the end of the day we went to Gastown, a popular area in Vancouver, Canada. This awesome steam clock is still in working condition and really amazing to watch.